  • 17 Apr
  • 2024

RAU as One of Key Platforms of Major “SLF.International” Forum

    The international student law forum “SLF.International” was launched at RAU.

    International student law forum “SLF.International” within the framework of “Priority 2030” initiative was launched at the RAU Hall of Culture on April 17.
    The guests and participants were welcomed by RAU Rector, Doctor of Economics of the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation, Professor Edward Sandoyan. He emphasized that it was the first time that Armenia was hosting such a forum. In his speech, Edward Sandoyan drew the attention of students to the problems of the financial sector and the importance of adapting the economy of Armenia to the modern challenges. 
    The scale of the event was noted by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of SLF.International, Deputy Head of the Department of Administrative Law and Process of the O. Kutafina university (MSLA), member of the Executive Committee of the Moscow branch of the Russian Bar Association Anastasia Sladkova: “It is here that you can discuss the current legal issues, share your experience and learn the opinion of colleagues and experts in the considered field. We hope that our Forum will become a valuable resource for your studies and professional development, and what is more important, it will give a lot of positive impressions and serve as a start for fundamental research in the legal and judicial fields. Let us broaden our horizons together with “SLF.International.”

    RAU Vice-Rector for Science Pargev Avetisyan and RAU Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Sergei Kapinos also welcomed the participants and guests of the event.
    Pargev Avetisyan emphasized that this law forum would make it possible to demonstrate the symbiosis of legal theory and practice, law enforcement and the academic world within one academic platform.
    “We are on the threshold of a very important event that has brought together leading experts, practicing lawyers and, of course, students,” noted Sergei Kapinos.
    Head of the Institute of Law and Politics Marianna Kalashyan underscored the importance of a consolidated approach to the problems of the field. 
    The solemn opening ceremony was followed by a forsite session on the topic of “Training of Lawyers in the Vast Space of the EAEU: Experience of Armenia and Russia” where speakers addressed the issues and challenges of lawyer training on the entire EAEU.
    It should be noted that young and ambitious students from 14 universities have taken part in the conference. According to the forum program, it is planned to hold a session dedicated to the training of lawyers in the EAEU, where, in particular, issues of legal personnel training for the field of biotechnology in general and genetic technologies in general will be discussed.
    Anna Starikova, a forum participant and National Research Tomsk State University student, told us about the importance of e-justice. According to her, the topic is very relevant: “Within the ongoing digitalization and informatization, it is also essential to transfer justice to the electronic format. We conducted a comparative analysis in the CIS countries, drew conclusions, etc.”
    In her turn, Arina Shurkhovetskaya,  an O. Kutafina Moscow State Law University student, prepared an article on the topic of digitalization of legal proceedings in Russia: “Digitalization of legal proceedings and the introduction of any new tools and technologies into legal processes certainly makes the life of citizens more convenient. In my article, I reviewed this state automated system, analyzed possible risks and difficulties in terms of implementing this system, etc.”
    SLF.International is a project by O. Kutafina university which is a logical continuation of the Student Legal Forum and is held in friendly states, as well as in various cities of Russia with the participation of foreign and Russian students, representatives of the academic staff and practicing lawyers. The aim of SLF.International is to popularize the Student Legal Forum, expand platforms for legal discussions, involve foreign students in the legal scientific community of Russia, as well as create an international community of young lawyers.

    Translated by Aykanush Karabekyan,
    I year Master’s Student in Translation & Interpretation, RAU