
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University was established based on the "Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Armenia on the conditions of establishment and activities Russian-Armenian University in Yerevan", which was signed on August 29, 1997 in Moscow.

On November 28, 1997, the Government of the Republic of Armenia adopted Resolution No. 543 on the establishment of the Russian-Armenian University in Yerevan. This was followed by the issuance of Joint Order No. 1769/170-M. From 01.07.98 the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia on the opening of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University. On April 23, 2003, in Moscow, an Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Agreement between the Government was signed The Federation on Amendments to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Russian Federation on the Establishment and Operation in the city of Yerevan Russian-Armenian university from August 29, 1997.

In Article 2 of the "Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Armenia on the conditions for the establishment and operation of the Russian-Armenian University in the city of Yerevan" it is said:

The main principles of the University are:
• It was established to serve the educational needs of individuals, preparation, retraining and advanced training of specialists with higher education and scientific and pedagogical personnel in the fields of humanities, natural sciences, economics and law.
• assistance in developing the scientific and personnel potential of both states by attracting scientific and pedagogical staff from the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia to work at the University.
• application of advanced educational and methodological technologies and use of achievements and experience accumulated in the field of education and science in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia:
• assistance in preserving, developing and enriching the cultures, languages, historical and national traditions of the peoples of both states.

The mission of the university is as follows:
Based on the already established status of RAU as a leading scientific and educational center, transform RAU into the Institute of Development, center for scientific and technological development of the country and attracting leading technological companies in the process of creating and implementing special educational and research programs, searching for and finding new progressive ways and mechanisms to intensify Russian-Armenian scientific-technological, production, and economic interaction. The university is an educational institution of higher professional education conducted jointly by the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia and enjoys the status of state higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia.

The University has a permission by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on July 27, 2000 (permission number 24Г-1083) and August 5, 2004 (permission number A-161073), as well as by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia (permission number 264 dated March 15, 2004). The university was accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on April 29, 2005 (Certificate of State Accreditation No. 000434). The university obtained a new permission on January 19, 2010 and state accreditation on March 25, 2010. In May 2011, RAU received an unlimited permission to conduct educational activities. In January 2014, the university has permission by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

The university is an independent legal entity with its own name and has seals depicting the State Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation. Republic of Armenia, stamp, independent balance, rights of operational management of state property vested in it by its founders, and also land plots attached to it in perpetuity free of charge use in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Armenia.

The founders of the University are represented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia.

The Russian–Armenian University is s guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, Russian laws: Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" in the version of the Federal Law of January 13, 1996 No. 12-FZ, Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" of August 22 1996, No. 125-FZ, Federal Law "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy" of August 23, 1996, No. 127-FZ, Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Education" of April 14, 1999, legislative acts of the Republic of Armenia, standard provision on an educational institution of higher professional education higher education institution) of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia, Charter of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University. In its other activities. Except for the educational one) The University is guided by the legislative acts of the Republic of Armenia and the Charter of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University.

The university was conceived and has already been established as a center of Russian education, science and culture in the Republic of Armenia and in the South Caucasus region as a whole. The priority task of the RAU is to prepare highly qualified specialists, patriots of their Motherland, realizing the importance for Armenia of its indissoluble ties with Russia and capable of applying the knowledge gained anywhere on the globe.

Today, when three quarters of ethnic Armenians live abroad, one of the most important tasks of RAU is the integration of the diaspora. Around 25% of RAU's annual intake consists of students from CIS countries, From Russia, where the largest Armenian diaspora is located, as well as from Georgia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan, and from abroad. Along with the role of the center of Russian culture in the region, RAU sees its task in engaging the Armenian diaspora in its own culture, in countering assimilation facilitating connections with the homeland for the younger generation of immigrants and creating conditions for their return.

Students of the Russian sector of RAU who have passed the final certification are awarded a qualification in accordance with the specialty obtained by the decision of the State Attestation Commission, and receive a diploma Republic of Armenia on the completion of university, appendices to diplomas with grades and mount of all disciplines studied by the student at RAU.

Since 2015, the Armenian sector has also been functioning at RAU. Graduates of the Armenian sector at RAU receive diplomas of Armenian state standard.

The university sets itself the task of preparing specialists of such qualification and level of knowledge that would meet the requirements of the new century. The university sets itself the task of preparing specialists of such qualification and level of knowledge that would meet the requirements of the new century. Continuous work is being done at the university to create scientific schools, to involve the university in international cooperation, and to establish close ties with leading Russian and international educational institutions. 

Education in the Russian sector of the RAU is conducted in Russian based on programs developed in accordance with Russian educational standards, with mandatory inclusion of a national component. Education in the Armenian sector of the Russian-Armenian University is conducted in Armenian.

The best teaching staff of Armenia are involved in work at the Russian-Armenian University. Departments have been opened at the university, established on the basis of scientific research institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia.

Since 2003, a program has been implemented to invite leading specialists from the Russian Federation, professors of Russian universities, to RAU to give lectures.

The first group of students at the Russian-Armenian University in the fields of "Law", "Public Administration", "Journalism" was enrolled in February 1999. In summer of 1999, the list of specialties at RAU was expanded by four more permitted specialties: "Political Science", "International Economics", "Social and Cultural Service and Tourism". Since September 2003, RAU has been providing education in the field of "Electronics and Microelectronics", and since September 2004, education in the field of "Medical Biochemistry" has been provided. In 2005, a set was made for the specialties "Psychology", "Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures", "Philology", "Bioengineering and bioinformatics". At present, the university offers more than 20 professions.  

During the first two years, the university had one general education faculty. However, the annual increase in the number of students and faculty has led to the need to change the university's structure. At present, the RAN operates 9 Institutes that were established since 2012: Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Science, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Engineering and Physics, Institute of Biomedicine and Pharmacy, Institute of Media, Advertising and Cinema, Institute of Law, Institute of Economics and Business, Institute of Oriental Studies.

The training of specialists at RAU is carried out by 31 departments staffed with highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff, the majority of whom have academic doctoral and PhD degrees, professor and associate professor titles.

Active scientific research work is carried out at the university: planning and reporting of scientific activities are organized for each department of RAU. Conferences and seminars on various topics with the participation of students and faculty members from RAU are held, and from other universities of Armenia and the Commonwealth countries. The best works of RAU students are submitted for participation in annual competitions organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

In 2002 scientific institutes, centers, special invest groups has been evolved in RAU.

Future graduates of RAU are provided with opportunities for further education at universities in Russia and other countries. Since 2002, a postgraduate program has been operating at RAU (according to the educational programs of the Russian Federation and RA).

The Career Center operates at RAU, which is formed to provide services for the professional growth of university students at every stage of their career development and to guide them towards acquiring such a job, which would give them the opportunity for full self-realization in their chosen profession. The center helps students to understand the specifics of a particular profession and make important decisions that concern them careers, as well as in job search and employment.

One of the priority tasks of organizing the educational process is preparing university applicants: The Pre-University Education Center is a subdivision of the university that carries out improvement. Improving the quality of education for students of general educational institutions (schools, colleges, gymnasiums, lyceums) entering RAU and other higher educational institutions. Since 2009, there has been a school operating at RAU, (Usmunk) with Intensive Russian language course.

One of the priority areas of activity of the Russian-Armenian University is the development of international cooperation aimed at integrating our university into the global educational community, and scientific space. The university has signed cooperation agreements with more than 60 leading universities and organizations of the Russian Federation and abroad.

At the university operates the Publishing House of RAU. The Publishing House of RAU has released books, among which are books on management and culture, history of Russian literature, jurisprudence, political science, and informatics, Armenian history, literary literature and journalism, educational materials for a number of disciplines taught at the RAU, translations of works of Russian classical literature. "The Devils" and "Notes from the House of the Dead" by Fyodor Dostoevsky, "The White Guard" by Mikhail Bulgakov, the lyrics of Fyodor Tyutchev, poems by Sergei Yesenin, etc.

The book collection of the RAU library is constantly being replenished by new arrivals of modern scientific and educational literature. An electronic database and catalogs with a search system have been formed, Network services for using the electronic library have been mastered (Consortium of Electronic Libraries of Armenia).

High level of material and technical equipment of the University: RAU has computer classes, language laboratories, educational laboratories equipped with the latest technology.

In 2004, the reconstruction of the university building was fully completed. On October 15, the grand opening of the Gratitude Park took place, the Park of Gratitude symbolizes the past, present, and future of Russian-Armenian friendship, the community of cultural, historical, and other values crystallized over the centuries.

The University has its own good traditions, among which the most important place is occupied by the annual celebration of the Russian-Armenian University Day (September 15th).

In early 2005, the RAU Assembly Hall was opened, where successfully held are music and literary evenings, symphonic, chamber, and variety concerts, as well as scientific inter-university and international conferences, master classes, ongoing lectures, and more. It has truly become an important cultural and scientific venue not only of university significance but also at the city level." 

In 2009, the grand opening of the RAU Sports Complex took place, providing all the opportunities for engaging in various sports and promoting a healthy lifestyle for students and university employees.

The Russian-Armenian University has established a commemorative gold medal "Olive Branch with Diamonds." According to the regulations of the medal, it is awarded once a year, in exceptional cases - twice a year. Among the awardees may be figures of literature and art, politicians, businessmen - people devoted to Russia and Armenia, the difficult and high destiny of our two countries, our two people.

Russian-Armenian University has also established the Honorary Order of RAU in order to recognize the merits of the most prominent figures in science, education, art, culture and literature, politics, and business, have made a significant contribution to the establishment, strengthening, and development of relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation in various fields of activity, in strengthening friendship between the Russian and Armenian peoples, as well as in development Russian-Armenian University as a center, a focus of Russian education and culture in the Republic of Armenia and in the region as a whole.

In 2010, the Golden Medal of the University was established. By the decision of the Academic Council of RAU, it is awarded to confirm the merits of the faculty and staff of RAU who have made a contribution Prominent figures of the Russian Federation and RA in the fields of culture, science, education, and politics are awarded the RAU Honorary Cross, established in 2004, for their significant contribution to the formation and development of the University. The decision of the Academic Council of RAU made such prominent political and state figures as M.M. Kasyanov, E.M. Primakov, F.T. Sarkisyan, A.M. Dryukov, V. D. Zorkin honorary doctors of the university etc.

Among the Honorary Professors of the university is the Rector of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation V.A. Mau, an academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education, merited Scientist of the Russian Federation S.A. Ayvazyan, Professor of MGIMO (U) V.T. Tretyakov, Professor of MGIMO, renowned journalist A.K. Pushkov, etc.

The title "Honored Professor of RAU" was awarded to A.P. Grigoryan, N.G. Avakyan, A.A. Simonyan, F.P. Tokhyan, S.S. Avetisyan, and others by the decision of the Academic Council.

About the second rector of RAU, Professor Armen Darbinyan read here >>
On September 16, as part of the RAU Day celebrations, the RAU Museum held its grand opening. The museum features interesting exhibits, including the university management’s first computer and telephone, the RAU flag that has made its way to Mount Ararat, the chair of the first rector, and other significant artefacts. Read more at >>

Responsible for the Levon Mkrtchyan Memorial Office: Saakyants Karine
E-mail: [email protected]
Ext: 373

Manager of the RAU Museum: Mkrtchyan Hermine
E-mail: [email protected]
Ext: 440