
RAU in cooperation with the Humboldt University of Berlin organizes a summer exchange program on Contemporary Legal Issues in The Changing World

  • 11 May , 2023
Russian-Armenian University in cooperation with the Humboldt University of Berlin organizes a summer exchange program on Contemporary Legal Issues in The Changing World in the scope of the Network East–West project. 
WHO is eligible to apply?
The summer exchange program is designed particularly for students studying Law and has a focus on contemporary legal issues in the sphere of Human Rights. 
RAU students currently studying Law (enrolled in 2nd or higher years of study of BA; as well as MA and PhD) are eligible to apply. Please, take into consideration that candidates may apply for the program if they are students at the moment of program implementation (August 2023). 
The number of participants is 10, also 2 positions for the organizers are considered as well.
The summer exchange program will be held on August 7-20, 2023
During the first week (August 7-12, 2023) RAU will host the German students in Yerevan
During the second week (August 13-20, 2023) RAU delegation of 10 participants, 2 organizers, and 2 tutors along with the German delegation will travel to Berlin. Participants from other partner universities will also gather in Berlin, which will intensify the comparative analysis to be done. 
During the program, each of the 10 participants is given a topic in the framework of the general theme of the project and is supposed to write a research/analytical paper. The topics for the papers are chosen beforehand by Armenian and German tutors in a way that during the seminar it is possible to write a comparative analysis with German colleagues (see point 2). The tutors will supervise the writing of the papers, will give personal and group consultations to participants, and lead discussions during meetings.  
The working language of the program is English

Accommodation and meals of the RAU delegation in Berlin will be mainly covered by Humboldt University. 
Travel costs are covered by students, however, there might be some scholarships available for exceptional applicants covering full or partial cost of the airplane tickets. 
The application form can be found below:
The deadline for submitting applications is May 20, 2023, 23:59 p.m. (Yerevan time).
Only short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview.