  • 29 Mar
  • 2024

Over 100 schoolchildren participated in the VI RAU Olympiad after Garnik Karapetyan

    “The winners will receive a preferential right to enrol in the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of RAU.”

    Every March, the Russian-Armenian University, preserving the traditions established by the founder of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Garnik Karapetyan, holds a Mathematics Olympiad among the schoolchildren of Armenia. The Olympiad has now taken place for the sixth time in a row, with the number of participants increasing annually. The names of the winners were announced on the 29th of March. Diplomas and souvenirs were given to the winners by RAU Rector, Professor Edward Sandoyan, Vice-Rector of RAU for Science, Professor Pargev Avetisyan and Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of RAU Arman Darbinyan. Anton Shashkin, Acting Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Scientific and Technological Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation was also present at the award ceremony. 
    Here are the winners:
    I degree
    Mikael Galustyan - Physics and Mathematics School, 11th grade
    Tsovak Yegoryan - Physics and Mathematics school, 11th grade
    II degree
    Taron Tonoyan - Physics and Mathematics school, 12th grade
    Hayk Makaryan - Physics and Mathematics school, 11th grade
    III degree
    Sevada Harutyunyan - Photon Gymnasium, 11th grade
    Further, 9  schoolchildren were awarded diplomas.
    According to the organizers, unlike typical training examples and exercises, the Olympiad tasks do not contain a common solution algorithm; each task is unique and requires new concepts to solve it, while no special knowledge is needed, i.e. the knowledge of the school curriculum suffices. 
    The winners will receive a preferential right to enrol in the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of RAU.
    It should be mentioned that since 2019, the Olympiad has been named after Garnik Karapetyan, the founder of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of RAU. Professor Garnik Karapetyan, Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Russian-Armenian University, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, "Honorary Professor of RAU", suddenly passed away in November 2018. He mentored more than one worthy generation of students and postgraduates of the university. Garnik Albertovich worked at RAU for more than 15 years.  Having authored a number of textbooks, teaching and methodological handbooks, and scientific articles, he was known not only in the circles of international scientists, but also among the general public due to the series of educational programs for schoolchildren "Open Lesson" on the Public Television of Armenia. The professor’s main scientific works are devoted to differential equations, and elliptic and hypoelliptic equations. He received multiple awards and prizes, including the Anania Shirakatsi Medal and RAU Gold Medal.

    Translated by Christina Hakobyan,
    I year Master’s Student in Translation & Interpretation, RAU