- 25 Sep
- 2024
RAU Vice Rector for Science Pargev Avetisyan spoke at the conference “Dialogue of Rectors”
The conference brought together more than 30 representatives from China, Indonesia, Iran, Syria, UAE, Libya, Thailand, Mali, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, among other countries.
RAU Vice Rector for Science, Professor Pargev Avetisyan took part in the international conference "Dialogue of Rectors: Artificial Intelligence and Transformation of the Future of Universities and Higher Education" at St. Petersburg State University within the framework of the Partners Forum.
The conference was timed to coincide with the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg State University. The central task of the "Dialogue of Rectors" is to share experiences and provide a sufficient number of representative examples indicating a position on the use of AI in the educational process, necessary to develop a unified set of rules for the use of AI in educational activities.

“According to the results of discussions with the Vice-Rectors, I deem it important to consolidate and fill with real content the cooperation of RAU with St. Petersburg State University in History and Philosophy, Law, Oriental studies, Mathematical in Economics", Information Technologies, as well as to adopt the experience of St. Petersburg State University in the application of AI in the modernization of the educational process, models of interaction with business structures," said RAU Vice Rector for Science Pargev Avetisyan.
He spoke at the plenary session "Science Development Strategy in the context of great challenges for society and the state" on the following topic: "RAU as an integrator of Russian and Armenian science and innovation, in the context of the development of joint scientific and technical projects and technological development".
Translated by
Anna Sargsyan