  • 29 Dec
  • 2021

Report of RAU student recognized as the best according to the results of the International Conference "Topical Issues of European Law and the Law of the Council of Europe"

    Anna Khalatyan presented the report "The problem of legal personality of the embryo in the context of European law".

    First-year Master's student in Law (Public International Law and European Law) Anna Khalatyan from RAU Institute of Law and Politics took the first place and was awarded a first-degree diploma following the results of the International Scientific Student Conference "Topical Issues of European Law and the Law of the Council of Europe". The conference, organized by MGIMO Law Club of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia together with the European Educational Institute and the Department of European Law, took place on December 22-24.
    Within the framework of the section "Environmental and Health Law in the European Union and the Council of Europe", Anna Khalatyan presented a report on the topic "The problem of legal personality of the embryo in the context of European law". In her report, she addressed the key aspects of the European regulation of the topic as well as outlined new horizons for the definition of episodic legal personality in the rapidly developing bioethical and genetic engineering legal relations. 

    It should be noted that the conference was held in order to draw students' attention to European law, topical issues of its application and interpretation.
    Translated by Kristina Tumanyan
    (Master's Program in Translation & Interpretation)