  • 16 Sep
  • 2024

RAU Day 2024!

    The events dedicated to the Day of the Russian-Armenian University started with a ceremony of laying flowers at the memorial plaque in honor of the first rector of the Russian-Armenian University, Academician Levon Mkrtchyan.

    The events dedicated to the Day of the Russian-Armenian University started on September 16 with a ceremony of laying flowers at the memorial plaque in honor of the first rector of the RAU, academician Levon Mkrtchyan.
    "Today is a special day. Exactly 25 years ago, on September 15, 1999, the grand opening of the Russian-Armenian University took place. Its founder and first rector Levon Mkrtchyan delivered a speech then, which did not contain any stock phrases; it has not lost its relevance today. In particular, Mr. Mkrtchyan said: "In our enlightened and equally dark age of interethnic, interreligious bloody clashes, the birth of the Russian-Armenian State University, connecting two peoples, can be equated to a miracle, to an oasis of light. ... There is no dual citizenship in Armenia. But many of us, one might say, have it. They have it thanks to the Word. To the Great Russian Word... This is our credo, the credo of the Russian-Armenian State University. Yes, and precisely so: Talents must receive support / The ones lacking talent will break through on their own." And it should be noted that the Russian-Armenian University has followed the instructions of its first rector for all these years to help talents and support them," noted Karine Sahakyants, responsible for the Levon Mkrtchyan Memorial Office.
    She recalled that this year is an anniversary in connection with another event: 20 years ago, in 2004, the book "Let the Light in Levon's Window Not Go Out" was published at the RAU, which included articles and memories about Levon Mkrtchyan.
    At the event, RAU students majoring in journalism read quotes from great writers, poets, publicists and public and political figures dedicated to Levon Mkrtchyan. The ceremony was attended by RAU Rector Edward Sandoyan, vice-rectors, university administration, lecturers and students.
    As part of the celebration of RAU Day, teachers and students, headed by RAU Rector Edward Sandoyan, honored the memory of RAU students and graduates who died in the Second Artsakh War. They also laid flowers at the plaque "On naming the RAU Gratitude Park after pilot Valery Danelin."
    According to the annual tradition, RAU Day ended with a festive ceremony of awarding RAU honorary awards and medals.
    - The Usmunk school team won the honorable first place in tug-of-war.
    - In arm wrestling competitions, our participants demonstrated incredible strength, ranking first in their respective weight categories.
    Winners among girls:
    - Anush Margaryan (45-50 kg) - Institute of Law
    - Liana Alaverdyan (50-60 kg) - Institute of Media, Advertising and Cinema
    - Meline Varderesyan (60-70 kg) - Institute of Oriental Studies
    - Diana Eksuzyan (70-80 kg) - Institute of Biomedicine and Pharmacy
    Winners among young men:
    - Norayr Sayradyan (60-70 kg) - IMRK
    - Lyova Manvelyan (70-80 kg) - IMRK
    - Grigory Gukasyan (90+ kg) - IFI
    “Best Lecturer of the Year”
    Senior Lecturer of the Department of Language Theory and Intercultural Communication of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication - Shushanik Melik-Adamyan.
    “Best Lecturer of the Year”
    Senior Lecturer of the Department of Bioengineering, Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology of the Institute of Biomedicine and Pharmacy of the Russian Academy of Sciences - PhD Grigor Arakelov.
    “Best postgraduate student of RAU”
    3rd year postgraduate student majoring in Organic Chemistry - Yana Karibyan.
    3rd year postgraduate student majoring in Finance - Georgy Melkonyan.
    "Best young researcher of RAU"
    Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism - PhD Meri Tadevosyan;
    Lecturer of the Department of General Physics and Quantum Nanostructures - PhD Tigran Sargsyan.
    "Best student of the year"
    4th year student majoring in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of IMI - David Tovmasyan;
    1st year student majoring in Law (Master's educational program International Public Law, European Law) - IP Diana Grigoryan.
    "For loyalty to the traditions of RAU"
    Senior lecturer of the Department of Theory of Language and Intercultural Communication, member of the Council of Elders - Emma Yeghiazaryan
    "Best partner of RAU"
    Victor Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Harutyun Avetisyan
    “Family of the Year”
    Senior lecturer of the Department of Political Science named after Karlen Mirumyan, RAU graduate - PhD Sargis Shirkhanyan and graduate of the bachelor's degree in Political Science and master's degree in National Security - Anna Khachatryan
    “Best Athlete of the Year”
    Graduate of the journalism program of the IMRK - Anna Khachatryan
    “Best Teacher of the Year”
    Chemistry teacher of the "Usmunk" school of the Russian-Armenian University - Armine Osyan.
    “Best School Student of the Year”
    12th grade student of the "Usmunk" school of the Russian-Armenian University - Samvel Aghababyan.
    Translated by Mari Stepanyan,    
    I year Master’s Student in Translation & Interpretation, RAU